DVD Seasons

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dear Blog Reading Person

I will say this right off, thank you for stopping by and welcome to my little bit of drivel on the net. I will be including in my letters the absurd, the rude, the raunchy, the funny, the bat shit crazy! I am going to assume that we are already friends and that I am as comfortable talking to you as talking to Olivia Munn when I see her picture on the Internet. We are familiar and want to sleep with each other all night is what I'm saying.
Hey Liv! How ya been baby?

I want to point out what I find that is utterly stupid and in need of dire repair whether it is an achievable goal or not. I aim to entertain, be funny and offend. Please let me know if any of these becomes the case so I know I am doing my highly unpaid job.

I blog for the un-matured (totally not a real word) male and the totally hot females. We are the generation that doesn't want to grow up and we don't fucking have to! We work, we play, we have relationships, all while being way more concerned with our Xbox matches after work. Our priorities have not changed from the last generation, they just got more technical. I don't know for sure about you but I assume that you would on a regular basis drink and watch Netflix or play video games than get all dressed up to drink and throw up on your best T-shirt at a bar. I know I would. The bar is cool sometimes but give me a controller or remote and a good friend to laugh with me and I'll take it every time.

We are all crazy, it's just what you do with that crazy that makes you bearable.  So, lets get stupid together and tell life's problems, people, and parole officers to fuck off for the 3-5 minutes when you're with me.

Just, well because.


DVD Seasons

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Mediocre letters from a mediocre mind.